Compostable Drink & Finger Food

Drink & Finger Food

Take away tray with built-in drink holder, suitable for hot and cold drinks, avoiding spill and burn risks.

Take away tray with built-in drink holder, suitable for hot and cold drinks, avoiding spill and burn risks. This smart built-in-drink-holder-tray is the versatile solution that allows to enjoy quick meals in any occasion. Ideal for buffets and aperitifs at wine bars, pubs or cocktails bars, always leaving a free hand to hold foods, but also as a practical solution to carry a quick snack in your office, or while walking on the street with your drink and nibbles, without compromising a steady balance.

The single-use-tray is 100% made in Italy, and is made using compostable, natural brown, cardboard, certified for food contact, and without alter the flavours. The correct recycling for EcoDu packaging is in the organic waste, along with food scraps. The line EcoDu is eco-friendly, and thanks to its new biodegradable properties, will decompose in little time, notably accelerating the composting process, which gives our planet the edge.


  • 100% compostable
  • Certified product
  • Fats and liquid resistant (up to 30 mins.)
  • Suitable for hot foods (up to 100°C)

Vassoio con portabevande


Working together
for the future of food packaging
and of the environment

Want to learn more about our products? Write us at [email protected]

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